Oculus announced specs and features of oculus rift VR headset at GDC. They also announced that ut wull be packed and shipped in the same casing as of development kit (DK1). The packing itself is premium and looks like worth of $600. But user are not getting DK1’s protective box. The box is big. It’s bigger than both D.Ks. Final design of tracking devices was not finalised in previous prototypes so boxes were small. Here everything is ready for shipment and it also uses a USB 3.0 connection to work so surely box will be big. It’s just cardboard. Premium look is achieved by profiling it with metal and solid rope. DK1 had premium plastic. Rift uses a minimum of five textures on plastic used. It gives an unexplainable weird feeling. Same applies to Xbox one controller. The less premium nature shows how this product is just first gen that is why company is rough around corners. Still if you are one of those members on crowdfunding website Kickstarter who supp...
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